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How to evaluate an NFT of the photographic artist Leonardo Cóndor in collections of $NFTL ?

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

First you have to see how much a picture of this artist photographer costs outside the NFT world.

During our first discussions, he told us that the price was around 9000 €.

So we did our research and indeed, the price ranges from $9524 to over $11900.

Leonardo Cóndor lives in Majorca. He is passionate about art and works miracles with a camera, as you can quickly see by looking at these photos. He specializes in nude photos but we are lucky to have other types of work in the NFT version and they are rare. It is necessary to understand that the cost of the photo is explained by the talent of the artist and that he must use expensive models.

$NFTL, we are the only ones to date and the first to allow you to obtain Leonardo Cóndor's works in NFT form.

Having democratic values and wanting to give everyone a chance to get art at a more affordable price, we have chosen to have much lower and increasing prices.

This way, the fastest buyers will get the best prices for their NFTs from Leonardo Cóndor.

NFTs $NFTL Tokenomic :

We have therefore placed these NFTs in several blockchains for your convenience. In order for these $NFTL Tokenomic NFTs to retain their value, we have specified their maximum number and in which blockchain they are available on each NFT in description.

How to find these NFTs ?

We invite you to search in our collections (XTZ MATIC etc..) and find the best sale price. We want people to find out how to get great deals with the $NFTL project.

As you search, you will understand how tokenomics NFTs gain value over time.

You will understand that you must be at the forefront. And when our project will be really followed. It will be essential for you to become an active member of the $NFTL army to be quickly informed.

For example, this NFT on the Tezos XTZ blockchain no longer available in XTZ but in exchange for $NFTL on demand on twitter :

A special collection has been created just for Leonardo Cóndor, October 18, 2022 : Here

NFTs will be added gradually

$NFTL Army, $NFTL Soldier, what is it ?

NFTL Soldiers are active members of our NFTL project. Anyone can become a $NFTL Soldier. All you have to do is participate in sharing tweets or other news while wearing an NFT art piece from the $NFTL collection as your profile picture. The best thing to do is to add a public wallet address in your Bio so that people can verify that you are the owner of the NFT you are displaying in your profile picture.

Crypto in bear market ?

Right now, cryptos are bleeding. And having specified predefined selling prices of our NFTs, it's clear that right now prices are very low. Take advantage of this. The online store :

Anyone who doesn't know anything about crypto can support us by purchasing items from our store.

But for people who know about crypto and NFTs, there is this solution:

It is possible to combine 2 NFTs to make a physical item like a t-shirt or other.

1 NFT from $NFTL and 1 NFT from the NFTL Physical collection, in the same wallet triggers a fabrication to combine the 2. To do this, just contact us and we will send you the item for free.

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